

Going up


Going up

I remember when lifts didn’t have colour screens. But hey, why not make the most of it? And don’t worry about designing a custom up arrow.

Location: hotel, Oslo

Going up2018-09-06T16:31:42+00:00

Kindle katastrophe


Kindle katastrophe

Layout really does matter. Yes, even on a Kindle app on an iPhone. I wish publishers would take Kindle publishing seriously.

Location: iOS Kindle app

Kindle katastrophe2018-09-06T16:30:01+00:00

Bldng sgn’s


Bldng sgn’s

Such a pity they didn’t have room on that wall to make the sign a little wider, so the whole word Buildings could fit in. Oh wait – they did.

Location: London EC3

Bldng sgn’s2018-09-06T16:28:45+00:00