

Unnecessary Cont[r]action


A photo of a misspelled road marking of Contractor with the middle R missing

Unnecessary Cont[r]action

“What about the missing R?”

“Never mind, just make the A bigger.”

Location: Bow, East London

Unnecessary Cont[r]action2018-09-15T19:50:42+00:00

No sign of a sign


No sign of a sign

I think I’ve spotted an infringement…

Location: Camden, London

No sign of a sign2018-09-09T19:07:47+00:00

A new bit of…


A new bit of…?

An advertising hoarding for the Greenwich Peninsula development. Is it the designer’s fault the barrier obscures the text? Yes. The sign only appears in this one location, which they should have checked out first. Sloppy.

Location: Greenwich, London

A new bit of…2018-09-09T17:53:47+00:00

Use our facilities


Use our facilities

Those staff cutbacks must really be hurting. Still, no need to go to the expense of getting a whole new sign made.

Location: La Rochelle, France

Use our facilities2018-09-07T12:20:22+00:00

Parking restriction


Parking restriction

You can’t park here. Someone else can. But I have no idea who. First time I’ve seen a disabled parking bay that really is disabled.

Location: London

Parking restriction2018-09-06T16:30:44+00:00

Carefur! Hot rid!


Carefur! Hot rid!

I know Japanese people have difficulty telling the difference between L and R in speech, but – in print as well? Maybe they took dictation over the phone.

Location: hotel in Tokyo

Carefur! Hot rid!2018-09-18T16:27:38+00:00

Saving pounds and pennies


Saving pounds and pennies

An H in one font is the same as an H in the other, right? And what does it matter if the C is upside down, and the W, Y and U are the wrong way round. Love that gothic script subtitle.

Location: Archway, London

Saving pounds and pennies2018-09-09T18:43:50+00:00

Fanatical about signage


Fanatical about signage

Oh dear. Odeon have really let themselves go. Still, somewhere there’s a youth with three interestingly shaped coffee tables.

Location: Soho, London

Fanatical about signage2018-09-06T16:31:10+00:00

Louisiana blues


Louisiana blues

A lovingly handmade sign. Shame the last letter of ‘capital’ is missing. And ‘Louisiana’ is hyphenated. And misspelled. Still, you have to admire that stylised ‘de’ in the last line.

Location: New Orleans

Louisiana blues2018-09-09T18:42:41+00:00

Going up


Going up

I remember when lifts didn’t have colour screens. But hey, why not make the most of it? And don’t worry about designing a custom up arrow.

Location: hotel, Oslo

Going up2018-09-06T16:31:42+00:00