No sign of a sign
SteveC2018-09-09T19:07:47+00:00No sign of a sign
I think I’ve spotted an infringement…
I think I’ve spotted an infringement…
Cheeky chappie Tommy Walsh is a ‘celebrity builder’. And while I’d trust him to plaster a wall, I wouldn’t let him anywhere near my computer. Especially with that drill.
An advertising hoarding for the Greenwich Peninsula development. Is it the designer’s fault the barrier obscures the text? Yes. The sign only appears in this one location, which they should have checked out first. Sloppy.
A bizarre airport sign: you can leave your pram here. Or your cello. Is that it? Or are there other items that can be deposited here?
White text works fine on a coloured background. It doesn’t work so well on a white background. It always helps to take a look at your design before you get it printed.
Those staff cutbacks must really be hurting. Still, no need to go to the expense of getting a whole new sign made.
Why did they make the G so large? So they could tie the crossbar into the A, of course. Why did they flip the first A so it’s back to front? No idea.
You can’t park here. Someone else can. But I have no idea who. First time I’ve seen a disabled parking bay that really is disabled.
They can print anything, from raffle tickets to high quality… er… um. The trouble is, these printers also printed this cricket club magazine. Maybe they should stick to raffle tickets.
I know Japanese people have difficulty telling the difference between L and R in speech, but – in print as well? Maybe they took dictation over the phone.